While canvassing for Elizabeth Warren, State Rep. Laurie Pohutsky was confronted about her support for eliminating employer-sponsored health insurance.
March 2, 2020
While canvassing for Elizabeth Warren, State Rep. Laurie Pohutsky was confronted about her support for eliminating employer-sponsored health insurance.
March 2, 2020
While canvassing for Elizabeth Warren, State Rep. Laurie Pohutsky was confronted about her support for eliminating employer-sponsored health insurance.
Pohutsky: “I don’t, but thank you.”
Pohutsky’s statement is in direct contradiction to several previous statements where she has called for both state and federal single-payer health care plans. In August 2018, Pohustky attended a Michigan for Single-Payer event where she spoke about how she won her primary by stating, “We were open at the doors about supporting state-funded single-payer health care.”
Pohutsky has fully embraced a single-payer system, saying in a Facebook video that she is “happy to stand with Michigan for single-payer” – an advocacy organization solely focused on implementing the socialist-style single-payer plan. Pohutsky has further called for a state-fundedsingle-payer health system that would shift the cost of nearly 5 million employer-sponsored health plans from employers to taxpayers that will be paid for by “implementing a progressive, graduated income tax.”
Laurie Pohutsky supports eliminating employer-sponsored health insurance and raising taxes on Michiganders to pay for state-funded health care for 5 million people who already have employer health insurance. Pohutsky has said several times she supports a socialist single-payer health care plan, it’s even on her website, but now she is trying to hide her position and Michiganders who stand to lose their employer health insurance and have their taxes raised deserve to know the truth.